Sunday, March 30, 2008

Last Weekend,

1. JFoo had a cocktail formal,
The Pretty
The Prettier
The Host
The Eyebrows and the Pout-Dimple
The Pseudo-Socialites
The Drinks I only got a sip of because they were snapped up so quickly :(

The Shoes
2. I went to County Line on The Hill to celebrate Becks' belated birthday and Chelsey's new job,
3. And I went to Holi, the Festival of Colors with my fellow peer mentor Saloni. We threw water balloons and colored powder at random people. I'm not especially stressed, but it was still a great stress-reliever.

Quarter Count: 39!!! I'm missing New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Colorado, Massachusetts, Missouri and Wisconsin (Arizona, New Mexico, Alaska and Hawaii haven't been released yet).

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