Sunday, February 25, 2007

Blue for a day

At Barack Obama's Austin Campaign Rally: One of 20,000 people, intermittent rain, grass that smelt like dog crap, posters doubling up as umbrellas, 2 hours of listening to so-so bands whine about --okay, take a stand against-- injustice and the war, waving to the hovering media helicopter, finally seeing the man himself, thinking it was cool that I was listening to the potential leader of the free world, feeling the energy and American-ness of it all, having a blast.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I saw two people in school with smeared black patches on their foreheads and couldn't figure out why, until I went to my Psychology lecture and the girl beside me thrust a cup of instant noodles at her friend next to her and said (in a whiney annoying voice), "Could you pleeeeaaaase eat this for me? It's got CHICKEN in it and it's Ash Wednesday!!"
So today's the first day of Lent, and it's apparently also National Sticky Bun Day and St. Peter Damian's Day (he's the "patron against headaches", according to Since Chinese New Year on Sunday, there was President's Day and National Chocolate Mint Day on Monday, and Mardi Gras and National Cherry Pie Day on Tuesday. Tomorrow is National Margarita Day and Friday is National Banana Bread Day. Who knew?

It's 81degF out and it's just wonderful. I'm trying to lose the white winter skin by walking out in the sun as much as I can. It's amazing that only last week temperatures were around freezing. My dad told me I should be grateful that I get more than just "... and there'll be showers over the eastern part of the island" on the weather channels here. I agree, Pa :) Spring is GREAT!

I just got an email from Barack Obama. "Dear Gillian, if you're confused about all the debate over Iraq, you're not alone." Aw, what a sweetheart :) Haha. I joined his campaign mailing list so that I could get a ticket for the rally he's holding this Friday. First US political event I'm actually interested in. I hope I get a clear view of the guy. There's gonna be a concert before that too.

Okay my laptop is gonna die soon and I can't find a power outlet here in the study area. Remember, you don't really need that extra pineapple tart. Just walk away. You can do it.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I can't be angsty, no matter how hard I try

What a crummy Monday. Bleaargh. I'm going to sleep.


Sunday, February 18, 2007

Chu Xi

The UT Singaporeans and visiting A&M kiddies after a filling 'reunion dinner' at First Chinese BBQ in Austin's Chinatown Center. Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Drop An Eyelash Make A Wish

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

And what do bored singles do on V'day? Sell stuff to unsuspecting lovebirds! Like super-cheena notepads/cards/paperboxes/magnets brought over here from Singapore. At least that's what the S'pore Students Association did from last Thursday til today. We even threw in a secret delivery service for recipients living in the dorms. Though we were initially highly doubtful that the items would sell (almost none of us liked them!), and we got off to a rocky start (grand total of $6 the first day...), soon enough the stuff was selling like RotiBoys in '05. Or was it '04? Anyway we made $250 altogether. Yesss. All proceeds will go to funding SSA's extremely meaningful activities (i.e. trying out all the Chinese restaurants in Austin).
It's literally freezing today. But I guess the burning love radiating from everyone's hearts kept the entire school warm :)
Er... I have a lot more to write but right now all I can think of is my bed. Mattress. Whatever. I'm going! Love you all.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Presenting... the ladies of the bible study :)

Meagan, Ebony, Liz, Me, Lynda (not a v good pic, but the only one I have)

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Navigators' Evening of Enchantment

The day we felt like princesses...

Amanda, me, Lauren

my Bible study mate Megan and me