Right now... Missing home and the familiar. I wouldn't say the novelty has worn out or anything; every day will always be at least a little exciting and there's definitely no shortage of new things to do, people to meet, restaurants to try (from Rebecca's very own Amazing Austin Makansutra. I aim to cover them all!)
But you know the feeling. It gnaws at your insides. Like a beaver. The webcam is a wonderful device, but not nearly enough.
More to come after my tests.
hey che, the maze looks beautiful. you must take the opportunity to try strawberries..ohh come on.......or they will get to YOU. all blushing and plump, inviting you to pluck them ("pluck me, pluck me gilliaaan!"the strawberry gushed with throaty delight )with their alluring lusty scents and crimsom appeal..ms gill's gustatory senses were quickly ignited. soon you'll be roaring with ******** pleasure. (and no, dont go counting the *s, and try to decipher it,i just pressed it till i felt like stopping..)and soon enough, your strawberrvirginy days will be long gone.heheheheee do i make a good foodie cum trashy novelist?
anyway, yes we all miss you too..i just heard jose gonzales "heartbeats" and thought of you..haha you are on my phone wallpaper too. our room is obviously quieter..but..i guess it's not a bad thing..you are over there because of God's amaazzing will, and yay, i love you, and i'm proud of you.
Hi darling Gill,
I have a phobia for maze.
Remember the maze at NZ? You,Beth & Mark had fun running around...lost!!!
And strawberry farm that Uncle Wilson brought us. It was fun and watching the little cute toddler angmoh girl sitting and munching so much strawberries from her bucket!
Enjoy your weekend with Rebecca. She sounds like a cool girl. Send us some photos.
love you,Pa.
Look everyone, my FATHER tags on my BLOG. Isn't he just the grooviest? :)
That's so cool! My dad don't even know how to use a computer!
I wish I'm there to try the maze!
heyy u mean u dun eat strawberries?!?! haha anws. it was so great webcamming wif u yest. ok i'm soo outdated cos i only found out the updated blog add like today. haha. oh wells. i'll be a more regular visitor from now on! now that i haf internet at home ;) here's to more webcamming sessions to come!! :) take care dear.
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