Mid-Autumn Festival was pretty cool, we had a little booth in the Union Ballroom in school along with all the other Asian societies. Of course all the Vietnamese girls were wearing their cute flowy ethnic outfits, and the cheongsam-ed Taiwanese/Chinese girls were strutting around in all their old-Shanghai glory. They looked really good though.
Here's a picture of our booth:

But it was cool celebrating MAF (to steal a Hwa Chong term) and asking people quiz questions like, "How many suns did the archer Hou Er shoot down?" Answer: 9. BET YOU DIDN'T KNOW. Except maybe the HwaChongians.
After that we headed to a Chinese restaurant for nice rice and sesame chicken and kailan and doumiao and stupid but hilarious fortune cookies that taught you Chinese words at the same time.
Okay, gonna go do some Government reading. That's one subject I don't really like. But before I go, HAPPY EIGHTEENTH BIRTHDAY BETH!! Glad you got the top, yes you look UBER-HOT in it... I'm gonna go out and grab a kimono blouse for myself very soon too.
Til the next post then! And I like my simple grey on white layout, so no it's not gonna change anytime soon.
oh oh i shall comment first! i'm so glad to see a photo! (not like i blog alot of photos but nice to see you've got your camera working :) ) the overseas people seem to be celebrating MAF more hugely than over here haha. and yes i knew the 9 suns nonsense, it's the work of higher chinese, not hc actually. tc!
Hi gill!!
I know that I haven't been writing to you..heh :p but really glad to at least know how you are doing there! was waiting for you to make the first move in our blog..hahahaha..ok lah..other than that, i always have pretty big inertia in writing or replying emails..i do check them often though, that's why i came here to your blog! :)
hope to hear more often about how you are doing there
i am proud of you! you put up a picture!
anyway, i never knew the story of the 9 suns..so thanks for enlightening me. my chinese keben taught me otherwise..something about the moon growing and this mystical sky tailor was very annoyed as it had to continually alter the oufits for the fat moon..i feel cheated!
anyway, and i just got it that they were REAL GOLDFISH! mom and i thought that you meant the REAL GOLDFISH SNACK like rubbing it in our faces or something..and we were like EH??!!
and now we're like OHHHHH...AHHH..MMMMMHMMMMM....
you should keep a pet goldfish..i mean, afterall, the owner and the pet would certainly bond over similar facial fea- sorry, i meant just bond.
i lupcch chew
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