Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hey Billy!

Went to the Bill Clinton rally in front of the Tower yesterday to watch a man make a last-ditch attempt to persuade Obamamaniacal Austin to vote for his wife. It was a good speech - he touched on housing, energy, Iraq, healthcare, education and the disabled. Everything was clear and practical. The part about increasing financial aid and lowering interest rates on college loans definitely got the most applause. As a politically apathetic non-citizen, however, the thing that struck me most was his hair. Coiffure is probably a better word. A softly glowing halo of silvery grey. The Daily Texan has this awesome picture of the wondrous 'do.

I took several videos of him (I LOVE the zoom on my Ixus), but by the end my lens started fogging up and it got really blurry. So here's an clip I took of him early in the speech. Please note I had my hands raised ridiculously high above my head, so I got spasms in my arms about halfway through. You'll see what I mean.

(The clip was originally three minutes long, but I had to cut it extensively to comply with Blogger's 100MB limit.)

On another note, my classmate introduced this to us a few days ago and I thought it was great. May I present to you the question that has been plaguing me since the start of my college life (from the Broadway musical Avenue Q - Let's go watch it in July, Beth!):


craig said...

Poignant Gill. No, I don't mean Bill. Perhaps consigned to puppeteering?

Anonymous said...

the internet is really really greeaaaat...