Woke up with a smile at 11am this morning. It's lovely to sleep in. But the weather outside is not agreeing with my cheeriness... it's cold and drippy and grey and various weather websites are promising everything from thunderstorms to hail to fog and tornadoes (unlikely). So I will blog and study. Half a month has passed since my last entry. It seems like I revive my blog only to abandon it again.
So I was metaphorically leafing through earlier pages of this blog and looking at what I did a year ago, and it turns out I'm pretty much repeating what I did in Feb '07. But in different order. Last year, it was Valentine's Day Card Sale --> CNY --> Ash Wednesday --> Obama came. This year, it's Ash Wednesday --> CNY --> V-Day Sale --> Obama's coming. And he's bringing a friend called Hillary. Yes, it's a Democratic debate and it's happening right on campus next week! It's not open to the public though, although there is a draw for 100 tickets. I put my name down, along with 9,999 others, and am crossing my fingers.
Some pictures from since I landed. Must admit I haven't been very shutter-happy:
Favorite cereal: Special K with Red Berries

The roomies (housies?) at Kim's 22nd

JFoo's roomie's awesome set of Office motivational posters

View from the first floor of my apartment

Mozart's, the coolest coffee place in Austin. If you come visit, I will definitely take you there

I got the less picturesque background

Onion bagel with cream cheese. Shout out to Mun!

View from the deck of Mozart's

I'm still ploughing through this...

CNY at Marco Polo, a Singaporean/Malaysian restaurant

Me, Becks and Dami

The gang!

V-Day sale. Yes, that's my pink feather boa!

Also, I got a second job! I am a peer mentor at the
UT Learning Center, helping UT students with their time management, study-skills, motivation and test anxiety. I have three "mentees" currently and it's proving to be a bit more challenging than expected. You really have to know your stuff! And it's kinda weird because I'm plagued by those issues every single day as well., but I'm pretty sure I'll get better with practice. Thank God for the opportunity, because I'd been looking for a second job for a while. And one in which I could interact with people and serve the college community, because I'm basically a solitary robot at my morning job.
Okay I just took a shower and that kinda broke my chain of thought and now I don't know what else to write. Plus, Hemingway's
In Our Time awaits me. Till later!
Oh yeah... before I go, in the spirit (or whatever's left of it) of Valentine's Day, I will dedicate a pretty song to all the people I love. The video is irrelevant, so just listen to the tune. Enjoy!