It's that time of the year again. Just as the tests and final assignments pile up and threaten to overwhelm us, we are suddenly handed a lovely 5-day weekend... a moment's respite from the pressures of schoolwork. I'm exaggerating - this semester has been really consistent and well-paced so far. And actually, only Thursday and Friday are holidays, but all four of my Wednesday classes got canceled (i think 'canceled' looks better with 2 L's) because professors wisely predicted that none of us would show up anyway. So I am leaving with Kirsten, Kenaz and Chris at 4:30am Wednesday morning for a 10-hour drive to Hutchinson, Kansas, where K and K's parents live. Apparently there's not much to do there, but I'm looking forward to going to Wichita for the SALE TO END ALL SALES on Friday. They call it Black Friday here, "so named because of the heavy traffic on that day, although most contemporary uses of the term refer instead to it as the beginning of the period in which retailers are in the black (i.e., turning a profit)," according to Wikipedia. Stores open at 5am, and most people have queued for a while by then. Should be an experience, though I'm not exactly sure what to buy.
Another personal holiday tradition: buying the December issue of InStyle, which I can lovingly peruse for months on end. Even though ads take up half the magazine. It contains their annual Best Gowns feature, which I love.
I was looking forward to hosting John and Mel before I left for Vancouver on December 15 but it turns out my Rhetoric exam is fixed on the 14th and so I won't have time to show them around. Pity. It was really fun doing that with Munz last year. Wow, has it really been a year since then?
Since I have absolutely no photos, I will put up this very flattering one stolen off my swiss cousin Ching's blog. You have to click it to experience the full effect:
4 Lims and a LohI'll be back with Thanksgiving photos. In the meantime, take care and I miss you!
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