Went makeup shopping with Daph in the morning - I got my first bottle of liquid foundation! Got my brows waxed too (which, in my opinion, is less painful than plucking or threading). Then I headed over to Buffalo Exchange, which is only the coolest fashion thrift store in the world, and scored a pair of lovely black heels (the heels are transparent!) and the headband I'd been looking for for weeks. Pammy came over in the evening and we pooled our cosmetic resources and got down to work. It took us almost an hour!
Fake pearl necklace: $3.99, Halloween store.
Flapper headband: $3.99, Buffalo Exchange.
Shoes: $12.50, Buffalo Exchange.
Black stockings: Sent by mail from Singapore (thanks Mom!)
Pink feather boa: $4.00, Goodwill.
Inspiration: This spread in the September issue of Vogue. I didn't get nearly as fancy as those ladies though!
Being vain at home with the webcam:

So glam, with the pink feather and the transparent heels :-) Having a great time right!
thanks ee... it was fun dressing up. felt like a little girl going through my mom's closet. haha. miss you.
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