Tuesday, April 17, 2007

For now, we are all Hokies

I picked up a copy of the Daily Texan this morning after work, as I always do. Its report of yesterday's horrific tragedy started like this:
"The University of Texas will no longer hold the painful distinction as home of the deadliest school shooting in American history after a gunman on the Virginia Tech campus left 33 dead Monday."
Today's gray skies and incessant drizzling were reflections of the national sentiment. Flags were flown at half-mast, and tonight the Tower lights will darken in remembrance of the victims. A vigil is being planned for sometime next week.
But those are symbols. It all comes down to the 33 people. Sitting in the computer lab in the library today, checking the news sites as more and more information rolled in, I could see other students doing the same. We saw the gunman's face, and the smiling faces of the victims, and wondered how, and why.

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