Forty Acres and a Mule (or in this case, a really sleepy bull)
Belated photos from Saturday's 40 Acres Fest, where I got "married" to K-Fed (If you look closely you can see his name on our 'marriage certificate'), got a Longhorn painted on my face, an awesome balloon hat and a henna tattoo (not pictured). Lots of colors, lots of sun. Bevo, our mascot, whom everyone suspects is drugged, popped by for a visit. We ate mee siam and curry puffs cooked by the Malaysian association and some really good Indian vegetarian food, made our own s'mores and scored exceptionally low on the African American Student Association's "Soul Jeopardy". As Andrea said, it was great because it was so "Pasar-malam-ish." I can't think of a better word to describe it.
hello darling, it's MEE GORENG. you can't mistake that for mee siam. gosh SINGAPOREANnnnnn gillian lim! heeee
hello darling, it's MEE GORENG, you can't mistake that for MEE SIAM... SINGAPOREAN ah gillian limmm. heh
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