After nine days of intense deliberation, the official judging panel comprising me, myself and I has finally reached a unanimous decision. And the winner of the first-ever 100th Post Contest is...
Most of you are probably thinking the contest was rigged from the start. It wasn't. Yes, I know he's my little brother. No, he did not try to bribe me with extra Christmas presents (though he did get me really nice limited edition Body Shop cranberry lipgloss and a dress from This Fashion). It's just that you have to give the guy credit for shooting straight for my heart and making me go, "Awww..." You gotta admit his entry was pretty well-put. Plus, he recently pulled a ligament in his right ankle and he needs a lil' something to cheer him up.
Anyway, congratulations, Marko! Here is your prize:
(It's in the fridge. Go get it yourself.)
And because I know the rest of you are angrily muttering, "I was robbed!" I've decided to hand out a slew of consolation prizes as well. Here we go:
Most Nostalgic Award: Yiwen
Most Biblical Award: Tie between Ee2 and Gattuso
Most Succinct Award: MysteryMeat, with a record number of three words
Bordering-on-trashy-novel-territory Award: Kyster
Most Blatant Bending of Rules Award: TJ Han
Most Expressive Award: Pammy
Most Soul-baring Award: Fish
Most Spiritual/Out-of-filial-piety Award: Pa and Mom (just kidding...)
Most Glaring Absence Award: ELIZABETH LIM (my contest not good enough for you, izzit??)
Thank you all for participating. Hope you had a beautiful Christmas and New Year. I will be back with more updates when I get back to Austin on January 14.