(I've got that cute MacBook Air ad song stuck in my head. It seems like the airwaves are overrun by pretty little Feist-y, Regina Spektor-ish ditties. Oh how I yearn for an over-the-top power ballad. Where is Celine Dion when I need her?)
So I'm back! School and work are in full swing and it's time for me to revive this blog. I had a wonderful time over winter break, first spending Christmas in Vancouver with my lovely Chin family, and then returning home to celebrate my entry into adulthood. THANK YOU to all who came to the party, and to all those who brought me out to sample local delights while I was back. It was a wonderful two weeks in Singapore, and well worth the plane ticket. Allow me a moment to reminisce:
And finally, my favorite: Portrait of a family
Guess I got a little carried away with the reminiscing. That's all for now, folks! Check back later for a more Austin-y update. Miss you all.